Vision and Purpose

Vision: Importance of Having a Purpose and How to Set Goals

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A vision is having a clear sense of what the finish line looks like, but no idea how far away it is. Success comes in the journey, not as a product of the end result.

Having a goal or goals with a strategic plan is important, but how important is it, and does it really make a difference? And what if you don't have goals, because you lack a vision or purpose? Or, you have goals, but don't know how to get started? These questions are all things I have asked myself at one time or another, and want to share what I have learned in my experience as someone who knows how to set and achieve goals. In my experience, the answer is yes, it absolutely is important to set goals for yourself. It is paramount if you seek forward progress in anything in life. While nothing is guaranteed, it is crucial that you do everything within your power to maximize the chances of whatever goal become a reality.

First, I want to emphasize the last sentence and word "maximize" in the previous paragraph. It is fundamental to understand that nothing is guaranteed despite however much planning, preparation, or how badly you want something. The idea is that you re-orient your life in every possible way to make the probability that the thing you want will occur as certain as possible. And that’s a sacrificial idea - because you don’t get everything. But you can have what you want, and if you don’t get what you want, maybe you get what you need. And maybe all you have to do is ask.

There is a famous quote that says, "He who has a why can bear almost any how". It means what do you have to do to make all of this worthwhile. What is your purpose that makes road to achieving your "success", as well as your own vision of a fulfilled life worthwhile. The more responsibility you have, the more meaning your life has in the higher degree that you voluntarily agreed to bear. And as a result the richer your life will be.

Vision, Purpose, and Goals

Developing the Toolset

Delayed Gratification

So Good They Can't Ignore You

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

The greatest habit we must break is the habit of being ourselves. The body becomes addicted to living in the past and the memories of the past, and in a way we become addicted to the past. So to live in the present and create a new future must break that. The body who’s currency is feelings, resists the sudden change in direction. So, to beak that, you must overcome the past memory of who you are.

If feeling becomes our thinking, or we never learn to think greater than what we feel - we will never change. We have to think greater than how we feel. To change is to act greater than the familiar feelings of our memorized self. With that said, how can we think, feel, and act differently to produce the desired outcome? To create a new reality, we must create a new personality. We must change who we are. Because our current personality created our current external reality. The neurons of our thinking and behavioral patterns have strengthened to become habit, and created our person and personality. So, we must act greater than our current circumstances - greater than our environment. Behave in a way that what you envisioned is already a reality.

Understating the Intersection of Quantum Physics and Neuroscience

In order to truly fulfill your vision and create a new reality, it is helpful to understand how and why this works. According to quantum physics, reality is more energy and frequency than particles. At the subatomic level, energy responds to your frequency and becomes matter. Everything in the physical universe is made of subatomic particles - such as electrons. By their very nature, these particles - when they exists as pure potential - are in their wave state while they are not being observed. Meaning - they are potentially everything and nothing, and exist everywhere and nowhere - until they are observed. Thus, everything in our physical reality exists as our potential. Because of this, we are capable of collapsing into existence an infinite number of possible realities. In other words, if you can imagine a future event in your life based on any one of your personal desires, that reality already exists as a possibility in the quantum field. Waiting to be observed by you.

However, as ambiguous and perplexing as quantum physics is, it does have rules. In this context, the quantum field does not respond to what we want, it responds to who we are being. So, you have to become who you want to be. More specifically, match your frequency with the desired frequency of the state and state-of-mind you want to be (and the electromagnetic potential). So in essence, the many motivational quotes of "be who you want to become" are inherently true. To change your life, is to change your energy. Thoughts and feelings aligned produces the most powerful signal, and broadcasts the frequency much stronger. Technically and scientifically, this is called a “coherent” signal. For example, you may think and want wealth, but feel poor, so the signal is not coherent.

At the subatomic level, energy responds to your frequency and becomes matter. How would your life change if you learned to direct the observer effect and collapse infinite waves of probability into the reality that you choose. Could you get better at observing the life you want?

Written: February 16, 2025